worldwide collaboration for paradigm shift

Sunday, April 1, 2007


A note to those in doubt:

The vision of RECAPTURE is enormous—world changing in both scope and depth. Therefore, the ideas that are a part of the AS campaign are huge; some will change this year while others may take a decade to come to fruition.

However, whether or not a certain idea may or may not be immediately fulfilled is not a fair criterion for judgment. This limited thinking has plagued the Church (and hence Biola) for far too long, leading to today’s fragmentation and cultural irrelevancy.

A key tenet of the RECAPTURE philosophy is to be forward-thinking. It is not only a wise modus operandi but it will be necessary to create and implement a strategic plan for excellence among Christians if Christianity (Biola at the forefront) is to regain its place at the forward echelons of human civilization.

Let’s bring this in to the current topic: the AS Presidency. Practically speaking, the President is charged with a) leading the Associated Students organization, b) being the voice of the students to the administration, and c) communicating both back to the student body. We have high goals for each area, but they are appropriate given the position in which Biola finds itself.

We will lead the Associated Student organization toward greater collaboration between all of its services, the departments, clubs and organizations on campus, and the students themselves in the specific ways we have mentioned elsewhere in this blog. This can be accomplished immediately; it is our challenge to ensure that the process continues after our administration.

We will voice the concerns of both current and graduated students to the administration over services, facilities, athletic competition, fiscal preparedness and responsibility, and overall quality of education immediately. It will then be the responsibility of the new President and his staff to respond to those concerns if Biola is to continue as a student focused organization.

We will implement the aforementioned plan to increase communication from both AS and the administration immediately. Our plan is so simple yet effective that it is nearly certain that it will continue through years to come.

Again, Alex and I have formulated the RECAPTURE campaign as a specific way to begin a paradigm shift that will influence the global panorama for the cause of Christ beginning right here at Biola University, and you can rest assured that we will not rest until every measure has been taken to give life to that vision.

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