worldwide collaboration for paradigm shift

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A Conversation With Ana

I had a great conversation today with Ana, the wonderful lady who helps keep Sigma clean. We talk on occasion, in my Portuguese-influenced Spanish, about what's going on in each one of our lives. She noticed our campaign materials and asked what I was running for. "Vice presidente," I replied.

She was glad, and even promised to vote for me; that is, before realizing this was a student-only election. Bless her heart.

Anyway, she said that she has been working for Biola for many years now, and has noticed a great improvement this last year in the student life. I thought to myself, "What is this improvement? Have I noticed this?" She went on to say this was because there is more order on campus, and there seems to be a higher moral center than before.

Friends, this is one woman who has noticed something.

We want to reach the world through the AS organization for the sake of bringing Christ to the culture in such a way that people start noticing the difference at Biola.

A global center for Christian thought and action! Just imagine, friends, what such a place is capable of doing.

We ask that in this whole process you keep in mind that this is a place that could potentially influence the culture. Who knows what God can do? The mystery has compelled both Bradley and I to run for these positions.

We are, in a sense, living in constant mystery, praying and hoping that we will be found useful tools for the Kingdom.

God bless you. Have a great week-

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