worldwide collaboration for paradigm shift

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

On Shifting the Paradigm

It takes a great deal to change the world. Yet what is necessary is not money, nor resources, nor any tangible thing. What really has the power to really stir things up in the world can be summed up in one word: love. Now, before thousands of cliches come racing through your mind at bullet-speed, please consider that love is the source, while other things flow from it. The love of peace motivated Ghandi to change the way conflict was resolved between his native India and their colonizers. The love of mankind is what motivated Christ to take on human form and redeem all who had been lost. So, how do we as Biola students apply this to the way we think and act?
It takes these kinds of thoughts. When we stop acting in the way our culture dictates, we are able to change the world. Let us consider, that there are a few thousand college students wanting to impact the world for Christ. What kind of love would be necessary to change the world? Have we achieved it? Perhaps our community would be different if we had achieved it.

Now, here's the challenge. Put aside your cultural quicksand and dream for a moment. Dream about having actual purpose in life, dream about a functional multicultural community, and you will begin to understand what it means to have a love so profound that actually motivates you to action.

Our dream is to actualize the dream. Please, more than anything, be mindful of the fact that impacting the culture requires shifts in paradigm. It requires us to think in ways that challenge our cultural beliefs.

Meanwhile, there are meetings. There are logistics. But at the end of the day we ask one thing.

Dream with us.

We hope to RECAPTURE whatever has been lost. Whatever the culture has told us is impossible.

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